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The Adobe Lightroom – The Missing FAQ series were originally intended to be searchable eBooks, however once the books were released to the public, a demand arose for a paperback version too. These are real-world answers to real questions asked by real Lightroom users.
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As a side note, Lightroom 4 is a phenomenal program. But it can leave you scratching your head with simple questions like, „I just made a copy of a photo and saved it in the same fiolder. Why doesn’t it show up in Lightroom?? This book explains that in simple terms. This book simply addresses the questions you might ask under your breath at times It answers plain questions honestly and doesn’t try to color the answer so it looks good in print. There are so many different questions you could ask and trying to find answers on line at Adobe is extremely time consuming navigating through their menu systems.
The questions I had are clearly in this manual. In the first day I started to read it, I found answers to some of the more perplexing issues, and I found many shortcuts, tips for processing, and much more. If your questions are not in this manual, you can write the Lightroom queen and she answers them. Great resource and once you purchase the book, you also get an online version to keep in your computer, notebook, or I pad just by asking, no extra charge.
One thing to note, the questions in this book are in a sort of abstract manner and doesn’t have the colorful chapters like you might find in a Kelby book, but the answers are in there. Using the online version is great because you can search for key words. But the book is a great read if you simply want to navigate it and look for new stuff. One person found this helpful. This book is amazing.
I am a beginner with Lightroom and had taken getting started DVD training but it wasn’t until I got this book that I gained insight on how this program can be used.
How to accomplish tasks is clear and easy to follow. The best part is Victoria gives reasons why you might want to do a process or not. Sometimes the Lightroom settings can be confusing – what will the program do if I set this option?
Victoria explains it all at least I haven’t found a question yet that wasn’t answered. There is not only FAQs but also procedures on how to accomplish what you want to do. What really baffled me as a new user of Lightroom was how to proceed with organizing my photos. There is a whole chapter on „Designing Your Workflow“.
Victoria doesn’t tell you it has to be done a certain way but gives samples workflows so you can design your own to meet your needs. I actually read this chapter 1st even thought it is chapter Now I am reading Chapter 2 after reading the introduction since she gives a lot of good information on how the program works and tips on what to look out as you use Lightroom and process you photos.
This book is going to bring me up from a beginner Lightroom user to someone that knows what they are doing! I am sure I will continue to use the book as I come up to speed with Lightroom. A bonus of buying the paper book is, you still get to download the pdf, kindle, or ebup version of the book. See all reviews. Top reviews from other countries. But, the program itself I have just posted a 3 Star review where you can see my reasons in detail is so unreliable that I would not recommend it.
Certainly I strongly recommend that you try the free trial of the program from Adobe first. When I wrote the review I assumed it was all my fault, but after frustrating months of losing photos and trying to get the hopelessly buggy indexing to work, I’m close to giving up on it. Briefly, the whole-image sharpness, colour etc. I’ve revised my review with these deficiencies in mind. Lightroom 4 is not an easy program to get started with, strange, unintuitive ways of doing things. You can’t start by just dabbling with it like the more comprehensive Photoshop for instance and, to begin with, I was close to giving up.
This was not helped by the absence of any kind of printed guide, an indifferent PDF manual and a very poor „Help“ options within the program. The excellent on-line third party documentation helps. In fairness to Adobe, much of this is accessible through their Support site.
You do have to be sure you are reading the advice for Version 4 because web-links often do not make this clear and, as other reviewers have pointed out, there have been significant changes from earlier versions. You really need to adopt a consistent workflow to use this program and the vast amount of advice out there can be confusing as different people will choose different approaches which may not mix well.
So I’d recommend choosing one principal guide and using online searches for the occasional question that remains unresolved. This book does exactly what it claims – informed answers to the vast majority of things you need to know to use the program effectively.
It is clearly and logically laid out and the advice is concise and, as far as I’ve been able to see, accurate. There is a good index too. The production quality is excellent – it IS a properly, professionally printed and manufactured book. Apart from the cover, it is in monochrome but this is no problem at all in use. You also get free access to pdf, Kindle and ePub versions and the pdf, at least, does include colour. AND you have priority help when you need it from Victoria herself, who hosts the excellent Lightroom Queen website.
Keep the Amazon receipt when the book comes – you will need proof of purchase to get these extras. I first bought Scott Kelby’s book as it had such glowing reviews, but I found it too wordy for a reference book, with insufficient subheadings to find what I wanted: it is written like a chat.
I can see Scott’s reasoning – the program needs a logical, sequential approach and a light-hearted approach can make this more palatable. Fine in a lecture, but I found it very heavy going in a book particularly when using it for reference.
You may disagree! Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Uploaded by elmobay on October 18, Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass.
User icon An illustration of a person’s head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book. Books Video icon An illustration of two cells of a film strip.
Video Audio icon An illustration of an audio speaker. No data shared with third parties Learn more about how developers declare sharing. This app may collect these data types Location, Personal info and 4 others. Data is encrypted in transit. You can request that data be deleted. Not worth the money and the headache. Photo editing is identical to what comes free with my phone and for video editing I can download a seperate app for free that gives me the similar options.
Besides that, getting photos imported is easy but getting the edited photos synced up to your desired destination is just a pain in the you know what.
Had to go through the download process multiple times since the app kept dropping files. Overall a very disappointing app. Hi, Sorry you’re having trouble. Thank you for bringing this to our attention.
Lightroom Download.Lightroom Download
adobe photoshop lightroom free download. Buy Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 for Mac and Windows Student & Teacher Edition (Download) featuring Photo Organization And Management, RAW Conversion. Buy New Riders E-Book: The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 Book for Digital Photographers (First Edition) featuring Author: Scott Kelby, EPUB/MOBI/PDF.