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A very well written, full color book about creating and maintaining project schedules within any Microsoft Project platform stand alone, server or online. Find the complete review here.
Forecast Scheduling with Microsoft Project and The real deal! A massive book about using the tool, not just from the tool perspective. Focusing on creating correct schedules and why they should be created this way.
I reviewed the book here , and the book here. Dynamic Scheduling with MS Project Talks among other things about successfully using constraints and dependencies to create a schedule with the least amount of maintenance.
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Microsoft Project Step by Step [Chatfield, Carl, Johnson, Timothy] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Microsoft Project Step by Step/5(). Get up to speed on Microsoft Project and learn how to manage projects large and small. This crystal-clear book not only guides you step-by-step through Project ’s new features, it also gives you real-world guidance: how to prep a project before touching your PC, and which Project tools will keep you on target/5(64). – Buy Microsoft Project Step by Step book online at best prices in india on Read Microsoft Project Step by Step book reviews & author details and more at Free delivery on qualified s: