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Feb 06,  · Open PowerShell or Command Prompt and run as administrator, type the following commands by pressing enter at the end of each command line: netsh winsock reset. netsh int ip reset. netsh advfirewall reset. ipconfig / flushdns. ipconfig / release. Dec 24,  · To reset network settings, go to Start menu > Settings > Network and Internet > Status > Network Reset. If you have a VPN or a proxy server, it may need to be reconfigured following the reset. Resetting network settings removes and reinstalls every network adapter installed on your system. Mar 15,  · To release and renew the network configuration with Command Prompt, use these steps: Open Start. Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as administrator option.


How to Reset Network Settings in Windows 10 & 11 – MajorGeeks.


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